Thursday, January 12, 2012

"Homeless" "Architect"

It is true I cannot call myself an Architect.
No. Not yet.
I simply studied architecture as an undergrad. 
To be able to label myself clearly and simply as an "Architect" would I am assured result in some sort of legal action.
To not claim false pretenses, lets boil it down to a simple as a list here.
Things necessary to become a full-fledged architectL
  • Find, apply and afford a couple more years of Master degree schooling. 
  • Accept hundreds of thousands of dollars of loans and the fact that one will be poor. Forever. 
  • REJOICE in the great pleasure of training within hundreds of hours of Intern development.
  • Accept that you may potentially fail the licensing exam. Which frankly means you wasted a good 5 years of your life, well-being and sanity... 
  • Accept that aside from loan repayments one must also anticipate medical bills and emergency room visits regarding: ulcers, nervous twitches and unhealthy addictions to caffeine and various other substances
  • At the conclusion of this all one still faces Berlin wall of unemployment.  Yes you suffered, almost died, and were buried only to remain... UNEMPLOYED.
This beguiles me to ask... is it worth it? Will I really change the world? Do I have enough passion, will and drive to complete such an arduous task? Or will I end up delirious after days of not sleeping, sitting in my shower weeping because the pressure of it all is too much to bear? The poor shower is just an innocent bystander of course...not the source of your woes... just a inconveniently convenient place to cry, you can't keep track of tears that fall... therefore takes a slight edge off the pitiful mess you have become... then again you find yourself sitting in a shower, crying, which means your a whole other class of pitiful mess... You see my predicament? There seems to be no concrete way up. No correct answer.

Now the issue of Homelessness.
No. I suppose that I can neither endeavor to call myself officially homeless.
No. Not yet.
I'm simply faced with the daunting challenge of finding a home. 
Finding a job. Finding a home. Finding a place and time that is mine.
I am told repetitively that I must 'simply' settle on a path and go.
But I have an issue with the word settle. It has such a negative connotation: "to settle for something". 
Gracious! One might as well lie down in an intersection and see if you can lay there and remain settled. Wondering at what time a car may decide to settle for you instead.
That is exactly what settling on a path, on a fate rings of ... 

I find this time in my life to be rather arduous indeed. Graduating at a time when unemployment is at a high... from a field that is just not currently expanding. Current research from Columbia University states that recent graduates from the field of Architecture face the highest rates of unemployment, around 15%. Turns out I would have had better luck focusing on the arts, one of my first passions.

Predicament. Predicament. Predicament.
It is because of this huge question mark that is my life. For the large                   [blank] that I yearn to fill that I have decided to start writing today. I assume that I will not always only write, but mumble, banter, rant, whine, and hopefully eventually start rolling away from settling and towards a brighter more luminescent "home" where my heart will not settle, but flourish and where I can be an architect in the purely creative sense of the term. 
 .... of course.... 
affording an apartment and maintaining loan payments would be a plus also...
but we can't have everything we dream of now can we?

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